17 September 2006

Ladywell Station

Every time I have to go to central London and I have some time to spare I make a point of leaving Lewisham from Ladywell Station.
The station could not be smaller, platform 1 goes to central London, platform 2 goes to Kent, that's all.
The beautiful Victorian wooden shelters cover only a fraction of the platforms. Leaving the shelters behind and taking a walk to the end of the platform is the best way to wait for the train and prepare to face central London.
Platform 2 borders with a park and as you walk across the purposely overgrown back gardens you admire the beautiful mature trees that on the other side make a proud display of greenery. As you gaze into the distance trying to catch a first glimpse of the train all you can see on either side of the track is trees.
Here's a sketch from platform 1 looking towards central London, the shelters, the pedestrian bridge, then the bridge with Ladywell Road.


Claude Richard said...

Nice station !

max said...

It's wonderful in a mild kind of way.

Matthew Cruickshank said...

It's beautifully captured- would love to see you do more of these!

max said...

Thanks Matt, I will. If the weather holds that's what I plan to do this weekend.
I think that I also have to thank the excellent subject though. If you come round here one day I'll bring you there as well as to the nearby excellent Jolly Farmers pub.