Recently, as I push the pram around Catford I have been bumping into this striking older chap also going around the place pushing a pram. It's just impossible not to notice him, a well groomed long mustache, goatee and ponytail, and a very evident top physical form, lean and tanned, you imagine him doing his daily yoga at sunrise.
As I first saw him I thought "I wish I could draw this guy".
Well, would you believe, this morning as I entered my first life drawing class in a while who do I see there? Yes, him. And it turned out that he wasn't there to draw but to model.
So today it was short poses, good for breaking in after a few months without life drawing. Also good for studying the character. Tomorrow at lunchtime there's another session again with him and I really look forward to the longer poses and to get him right.
By the way, the pram that he's pushing is that of his grand daughter.
Very difficult to post a comment on your site, Max. This is my 7th attempt.
Was the granddaughter also a life model?
Not at the life drawing session but if we bump into each other as we push prams in Catford again I may be able to draw the pair.
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