02 April 2008

Wide and washy

Two points of view of a pose with a model of large built done with washy ink on watercolour paper.


Vince M said...

Love the look of these, Mr. Calo.

jmb said...

I saw your avatar on my page in MyBlogLog so came to look around. I enjoyed doing so very much and envy you your talent.

Not one artistic cell in my body but I have a great appreciation of art.

I see it was your cartoon which James lifted for his blog.

max said...

Thanks Vince, I might do more life drawings with this paper next, the trick is to know when to stop.

Thanks JMB, as you see that cartoon wasn't the last one about the fuller figure.

piero pierini said...

really nice !! like very much your life drawings,mostly the inky ones.

Matt Jones said...

Well handled foreshortening on the left although the small feet seem to make the form 'drop' off the page. The one on the right has nicely defined calf & breast but the rest is muddled particularly the torso, rib-cage,abdomen area.

max said...

Hi Matt, I know, that foot, never been sure about it, I take it as part of he learning curve.
I'm actually quite happy with the drawing on the right, rib cage and torso don't have a shape because she's got them covered by the abdomen, that's what the model looks like, she's got one of those bellies that starts high, and long legs that are skinny in comparison, a very peculiar shape.

Oscar Grillo said...

Love the drawing on the right, Caló.

Miguel Caló was a fireman who had a great tango orchestra in Buenos Aires in the forties. He could have been a long lost uncle of yours perhaps.

Oscar Grillo said...

Here you have a video of a couple in London dancing Caló's music. The singer is my beloved Raul Beron.

max said...

A fireman and a musician! I know some other guys like that, dangerous people.
Great dancing, it's so graceful.
I remember your series with the one-arm dancer, that was great.
I know that there are numerous Calò in Argentina, there are quite a few of them in Israel too. It's originally a Jewish name that's quite popular in the South of Italy so from there they migrated all over the place.

max said...

Thanks Kristian, I go life drawing here in Lewisham at the Art House.
There's a very goo light at daytime classes.