04 August 2008

3djob#1 take2

Here's the final amended version of this group, I hope I get a snow globe.
Click here to see the model spinning like crazy.


Oscar Grillo said...

Un burro y un cerdo.

max said...

Now that you mention it I feel a bit peckish.

Vince M said...

Nice work, Max. This final version is much improved. Hope you're doing well.

max said...

Hi Vince,
I'm very well thanks, slowly improving my 3d skills and looking forward to a week of holiday actually.

Vince M said...

Did Stephane have anything to do with the approval process on this piece? I only ask because it seems to have a few of his wonderful flourishes to it.

Such a wonderful piece.

max said...

I don't know for sure who did the corrections actually as I got this job through a studio, and I also got the corrections through them and they didn't tell me who was that checked it but I have the same curiosity and in time I will discover.
Good comments though, it was a fun piece but now it is a completely kosher and quite more graceful.