The submission comprised 3 distinct required items, one final render (above), one page with a quick step by step to include the original concept (the mess below) and one turntable movie to be uploaded on Youtube and embedded on the contest's thread.

As ever I wish I had had more time to make some things better, never mind, I'm happy with the result, even above what I expected to produce when I started. Nevertheless I'll do some more work on it now, a few hours will make me completely satisfied and then bring the model in Modo to do a proper render especially since the membranes are the perfect stuff of subsurface scattering, something I really want to learn to master.
Really nice work!!!
My goodness, this is your best one yet, Max! Great great great!!!
Great to see it finished Max! The final detailing is really excellent, good luck with the judging and thanks for stopping by my site!
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