09 May 2007

One pose

I'm doing cleanings in my studio today and I found this drawing done with water colours at the last short poses session a couple of weeks ago. At the time I didn't think much of it. On second viewing it's not that bad.


Elliot Cowan said...

Max you devil.
Where's this Boxhead n Roundhead tribute you spoke of the other night?

max said...


piero pierini said...

good you gave it a second chance...it deserved it!!

max said...

Hi Kristian, hi Piero,
thanks for your appreciation, it really makes my day that such good artists as you like my drawings.

Anonymous said...

Only today gave I come across with your blog and I loved it.


Vince M said...

This one is a beauty, Max. I love the color choices and the wet on wet blends.

I hope you're doing well.

max said...

Hi Vince, thanks, it came out good actually, a very quick thing but effective.
I'm ok, have been sligthly too busy to post stuff here but I'm back very soon, almost immediately. Cheers!