18 January 2010

Change of diet


Elliot Cowan said...

Look at that!

max said...

Hiya Elliot, best of all is that it tastes delicious!

Vince M said...

Love it. Delightfully gory stuff, Max.

gur-B said...

Dear Max, how are you ? Are 'they' keeping you busy still ? (I hope so)

gur-B said...

Hi dear Max, how are you ? Are 'they' keeping you busy still ? (I hope so)

max said...

Hi Gerben,

good to hear from you.

I am indeed very busy lately, but it's a new thing, it's been very slow for a while but now it's picking up again (hopefully it'll last).
And I've been having fun doing adventure comix for teenagers in the past few weeks. Awfully paid but fun.
Can't post here yet by contract, I will once they're published.

Hi Vince,
it is gory indeed, I had started texturing but was then hit by this comix job, that as you know well, leaves you little time to breathe.

kellie said...

Hi Max,
it was good to see you at Bob's drink the other night. Impressive stuff here.